Visual Studio 2010 Built-in Code Snippets (C#)

by 4:50 AM 0 comments
ShortcutDescriptionTypeInsertion Locations
#if#if/#endif directiveE, SAnywhere
#region#region/#endregion directiveE, SAnywhere
~destructorEInside a class
Attributeattribute (using recommended pattern)EInside a namespace (including the global namespace), a class, or a struct
checkedchecked blockE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
classclass declarationE, SInside a namespace (including the global namespace), a class, or a struct
ctorconstructorEInside a class
cwConsole.WriteLineEInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
dodo...while loopE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
elseelse statementE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
enumenum declarationE, SInside a namespace (including the global namespace), a class, or a struct
equalsimplementing Equals() according to guidelinesEInside a class or a struct
ExceptionexceptionEInside a namespace (including the global namespace), a class, or a struct
for'for' loopE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
foreachforeach statementE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
forrreverse 'for' loopE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
ifif statementE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
indexerindexer declarationEInside a class or a struct
interfaceinterface declarationE, SInside a namespace (including the global namespace), a class, or a struct
invokesafely invoking an eventEInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
iteratorsimple iteratorEInside a class or a struct
iterindex'named' iterator/indexer pair using a nested classEInside a class or a struct
locklock blockE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
mboxMessageBox.Show (requires reference to System.Windows.Forms)EInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
namespacenamespace declarationE, SInside a namespace (including the global namespace)
propautomatically implemented propertyE, V3+Inside a class or a struct
propfullproperty and backing fieldEInside a class or a struct
propgautoproperty with a 'get' accessor and a private 'set' accessorE, V3+Inside a class or a struct
sim'static int Main()' method declarationEInside a class or a struct
structstruct declarationE, SInside a namespace (including the global namespace), a class, or a struct
svm'void Main' method declarationEInside a class or a struct
switchswitch statement blockEInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
testcMSTest test classE
testmMSTest test methodE
trytry catch blockE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
tryftry finally blockE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
uncheckedunchecked blockE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
unsafeunsafe blockE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor
usingusing blockE, SInside a namespace (including the global namespace)
whilewhile loopE, SInside a method, an indexer, a property accessor, or an event accessor

E - Expansion, S - Surrounds With (Ctrl-K, Ctrl-S), V3+ - Requires C# 3.0 or higher

Ravi Tuvar


Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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