HTML | ||
Shortcut | Description | Type |
a | link | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
br | breaking return | Expansion |
class | class attribute | Expansion |
dd | definition list | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
div | block element | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
divc | div with a class attribute | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
form | HTML form | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
hr | horizontal rule | Expansion |
html | html element | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
html4f | HTML 4.01 Frameset Doctype declaration | Expansion |
html4s | HTML 4.01 Strict Doctype declaration | Expansion |
html4t | HTML 4.01 Transitional Doctype declaration | Expansion |
img | image | Expansion |
input | input element | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
link | stylesheet relationship | Expansion |
metaie8 | IE8 compatibility flag | Expansion |
script | client script block | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
scriptr | server script block | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
scriptref | client script reference | Expansion |
select | drop-down list | Expansion |
silverlight | object tag for Silverlight | Expansion |
span | inline element | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
spanc | span with a class attribute | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
style | style block | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
table | table | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
ul | list | Expansion, SurroundsWith |
xhtml10f | XHTML 1.0 Frameset Doctype declaration | Expansion |
xhtml10s | XHTML 1.0 Strict Doctype declaration | Expansion |
xhtml10t | XHTML 1.0 Transitional Doctype declaration | Expansion |
xhtml11 | XHTML 1.1 Doctype declaration | Expansion |
Visual Studio 2010 Built-in Code Snippets (HTML)
Ravi Tuvar
DeveloperCras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.
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